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Tradie/Desert Mambas/Teens in Trouble/Shaylee -- 12/11/2023

Posted by author in the category "show-review"

I glided into @thefixinto around 8:24 and could hear the opener had already started. I grabbed a ticket and a quick drink (zero proof) and was ready for another Sunday night of rock 'n roll at the unofficial @killrockstarsofficial showcase.

The @tradiebaby_ clip I grabbed doesn't do them justice -- they played the slow songs slow, yes, but also the fast songs fast, and the loud songs loud. Just all-around solid indie rock. Elle from Shaylee was filling in on drums and after shaking off some rust just ripped into it.

Second up was @desert.mambas with some lovely and funny solo queer acoustic country. Jumping between Hot Trans Elvis™ and Hot Trans George Costanza™ isn't something everyone can do but Bailey's clearly a pro. Also, I love it when we take and reclaim the parts of a genre that speaks to us and then discard the rest of its baggage.

Third up was @teensintrouble. Of all the songs on my pre-show playlist ( I've probably been listening to Sharon the most and was bemused to learn it's a "thing that actually sort of happened" song vs. a "wouldn't this be funny lolz" song. Also "smol girl, big guitar, songs about feelings" energy is the best energy, and Teens in Trouble has that in spades.

Closing things out was @shayleeband with an all-new lineup -- still a power trio (for now question mark) with @dannygavingray on drums, on bass, and Elle fronting. Some combination of Kim's chaos energy and Elle being in what seemed like a home venue made this the loosest (in a sick way) Shaylee show I've seen. Danny kept everything together and there's something that whips about a trans masc drumming shirtless that just wasn't there when I saw the cis/straight (presenting?) boys pull the same thing in November. We even got Kinks/Lola discourse during the inevitable string replacement.

It's hard to understate how good it felt to see a bunch of queers and transes after spending most of the weekend wallowing in ancient feelings about the shitty queer communities of the '90s. Presuming my tattoo doesn't wreck me next show is Soda Jinx on the 14th with their new lineup.

Original Instagram Review

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