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Shaylee at Swan Dive -- 8/5/2023

Posted by author in the category "show-review"

Live Rock Music -- still really good! @ellieisgrooblen live was a super different vibe than their CDs (in the best, live music way) and I must steal that skirt, @mrvalesmathclass were a super tight ensemble with silly (or deadly serious?) songs about math, and this was my second time seeing @shayleeband in as many months and, I mean, my endocrine system and trauma responses are already in the tank for all the LyRiCsFeElInGs but Elle, Robin, and Nate just gel on stage in that way the really great rock bands do. Alternate timeline Nirvana where Kurt got sober, got on anti-depressants and/or estrogen, and had a supportive community.

Seeing the East Bank Saloon putting on fancy bar cocktail airs was a little weird, but that's Portland these days I suppose. Drinks were good, kept myself to my limit, and when the vibes were off at the post-show dance party I took care of myself and took off.

Original Instagram Review

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