All ages vibes continued last Sunday with the @outwiththeband/@combomoveofficial/@shayleeband show at @honeylattecafe. @sitprettypdx had to miss out and we hope everyone is ok.
I didn't realize how many shows @honeylattecafe cafe is putting on these days. During the pre-vaccine pandemic I visited the previous coffee shop in that spot (Elevator Coffee Company) a bunch -- they had a garage takeout window setup and a really good breakfast sandwich. Honey Latte isn't a regular haunt but it's a great space I hit up from time to time and a good sticker distribution point. The shows look to be mostly all ages -- all it needs now is some computers and a good vegan grilled cheese and the foretold second coming of Backspace will be here.
The first band, Outwith, felt like a warm worn glove. Their lead singer seems like maybe the sort of guy who likes hijinks (and possibly capering). I was trying to place why this new-to-me band felt familiar and warm and then they rolled out a Pixies cover and everything clicked into place.
Next up was Combo Move with some really danceable pop-punk/skate-punk. Joyful angry vibes, if that makes any sense. A brief conversation at the end of the night with their lead singer left me with the impression he's a punk rock sweetie. Also who doesn't love a fuck yeah bracelet.
Shaylee was tested with a few technical difficulties -- Elle's capos must have heard her shit-talking them at the Elliot Smith tribute and migrated out of her gig bag. There was also a bit of amp clipping early on. Things settled down (shout out to the sound tech, arriving directly from Lily Allen's Not Fair video) and no capos just meant hearing a few different songs. Also, this was the first time I heard the soft numbers live without a DJ thumping away through a thin wall or floor. The band's energy was really spot on too -- Robin and Elle have amazingly complimentary stage presences and Nate was just radiating little stinker dummer-boy goofball energy.