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Righteous Fury Zine Review

Posted by author in the category "book-review"

Righteous Fury! A collection of self-portraits spanning roughly two decades, from @arsenikitty.

Fourteen pages of sketching from a human zeroing in on both their gender and their artistic style. Drawing remains one of those things that seems like pure magic to me. Flipping through these pages and watching someone's art evolve and change from simple doodles to a more refined style was pretty neat. Also -- what a trip to be able to try out a new gender refinement on the page first!

Also also, I think my first tattoo artist may have helped print this? Because f-ing Portland is queer Mayberry.

I'm reviewing every zine I picked up at the Portland Zine Symposium (@pdx_zines) on Saturday, October 28th, 2023. This is the third review. #pdxzinereview

Original Instagram Review

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