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Questions to Ask at Parties Zine Review

Posted by author in the category "book-review"

Spill It: Questions to Ask at Parties from @antiquatedfuturedistro and Heather L Colby (who has the good sense to be hard to find on insta)

When you're ready to move beyond "what do you do, how did you move here, what's your deal/story/racket" this 8-page mini zine has you covered: Four perfect conversation starters for parties or other social events that require small talk. It took me until my second reading to realize that unfolding the zine reveals Heather's answers to her own questions. Secret diary zine!

I'm reviewing every zine I picked up at the Portland Zine Symposium (@pdx_zines) on Saturday, October 28th 2023. This is the seventh review. #pdxzinereview

Original Instagram Review

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