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Gaythiest/Shaylee/Help -- 11/17/2023

Posted by author in the category "show-review"

Tuesday night rock music with @shayleeband, @gaytheistband, and @helpifuckingneedit.

An 8:30 pm door meant I was able to rush over to @lollipopshoppepdx after therapy and roll up five minutes before Gaytheist started their set. Punk metal is super hit or miss for me, but the boys brought enough rhythm and stage charm that I could get into it and enjoy myself. They also deftly handled some good-natured snarky top shortage discourse from a random tran (me) in the crowd.

This was the first time I've seen Shaylee in a support role. Elle, Robin, and Nate pulled some songs and arrangements I hadn't heard before that leaned harder into the scream/chaos -- peak understanding the assignment energy. It was also Robin and Nate's last night with the band and Elle sent them off with love and goodwill. I'm always impressed by how kind and supportive folks in the Portland music scene are of each other.

When Help started their set, two things became clear

  1. They are very very good at what they do
  2. I really do need rhythm in my noise

The energy in the room shifted a bit, so we left the packed house and traipsed across the street to Sawn Dive. Tuesday night thwarted us with a closed bar. We shivered down to Slow Bar -- the four of us squeezing ourselves into a booth made for ten -- and capped off one of those nights that were impossible to imagine a few short years ago. All the hard things were suddenly easy and obvious.

I'd have stayed till dawn -- but again, Tuesday night had one last jerk move with a midnight last call. As the last of the dregs left the bar, in awe of our splendor, the bartender's music stopped and my jukebox selections finally started. Ian Curtis telling me to cling to the nearest passerby -- I ignored his advice for better options. We spilled out onto the street along with Wednesday morning, shivered back to our cars, and used our goodbyes for warmth and love.

Months ago I told someone that I was only going to live these years once, that they were precious to me, and I didn't want to deny myself anything. Sometimes it's hard to describe the joy in seeing that all come true.

Original Instagram Review

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